Video stop datamosh
Video stop datamosh

video stop datamosh

  • These are glitches found in iOS Maps in 3d mode.
  • For instance, this picture is the result of someone’s printer running out of black ink as it was printing a picture from a concert.
  • “Pure” or “found” glitch art is glitch art that was found “in the wild”, so to speak – unintentional glitches that resulted in something cool, interesting, or beautiful.
  • At the highest level, there are roughly two large genres of glitch art: “pure” glitch and intentional glitch.
  • But anyways, now we’re in 2015! There’s tons and tons and tons of different ways to glitch things out, and we’ll look at some of them.
  • Also pretty glitchy, and one of the first instances of a purely data-oriented glitch. His early claim to glitch fame was when he hacked an NES cartridge of Super Mario Brothers to remove everything in the game except clouds.
  • Cory Arcangel is a Brooklyn-based fine artist and entrepreneur.
  • The sculpture seems to emphasize the vastness and overwhelming media focus of the internet through its physical scale – this thing is about 40 feet long and has flashing neon images in each television screen, along with audio clips from The Wizard of Oz, Oklahoma, and other American classics. He was actually the first to use the phrase.
  • This piece by Nam June Paik, “Electronic Superhighway”, was created right at the cusp of the internet’s emergence.

    This piece, MagnetTV, used a gigantic magnet on a TV to cause the cathode-ray tube to create geometric shapes. His work in the recontextualizing analogue electronics was a major precursor to modern day form of glitch art.

  • Nam June Paik was one of the earliest video artists and constructed tons of wild sculptures out of television screens and gear of all kinds.
  • So John Cage, in a way, misinterpreted or “glitched” a piano’s normal usage by putting different objects between the strings to get them to sound differently.

    video stop datamosh

  • One of John Cage’s earlier works is his “prepared piano” compositions which came about by his needing to compose a piece of music that had percussive elements but no room in the hall for the percussion group.
  • You might know him for his famous 1952 composition 4’33” where the pianist sits down at a piano and does nothing for exactly 4 minutes and 33 seconds.
  • John Cage, 20th century avante garde musician.
  • Glitch isn’t “new”, but it is PRETTY new.
  • The online glitch community is a mixture of artists, tech people, who span the range from very internet and technology savvy programmers to people who are really interested in the artform but don’t participate yet.
  • Remember this picture from the beginning?.
  • Members of the community exchange tips, tricks, and are generally really friendly.
  • The community is really active, with people posting to Facebook and reddit groups very frequently throughout the day.
  • Every file format is unique and every tool has its own quirks that allow you to corrupt data.
  • There are tons of different techniques to create glitch art.
  • Glitch artists are sort of weird in that they’re the only people I know who rejoice when their stuff breaks. But if you stop to get over the frustration of the thing breaking on you, the glitches have a strange beauty to them that you can’t really find in any other artform.


  • You’ve probably had an encounter with glitch art, but didn’t recognize it as anything other than an annoying glitch – a cracked phone, a dying GPU, a bizarrely formatted photo file.
  • video stop datamosh

    I just like making cool stuff, and I know it when I see it.

    Video stop datamosh